Basketball - Boys & Girls
Squire Basketball SCHEDULE
Squire Basketball SCHEDULE
Squire Basketball SCHEDULE
Practice Schedule and Times:
Mondays, Fridays - 2:45pm to 4:00pm
Wednesdays: Study Hall from 12:37 until 1:00; Practice 1:00 until 4:00 pm
Basketball Parent Meeting: December 9, 4:00-4:30 PM in the Cafeteria. All parents should attend.
Wednesday Study Halls
Wednesday Study Halls
Wednesday Study Halls
All student athletes are required to attend Study Hall on Wednesday. Students check in with Ms. Hogerheide.
If students have a GPA of lower than 2.0 or more than one F, they stay and complete assignments because they are on academic probation.
If student athletes are not on academic probation, they proceed to practice.