Girl's Volleyball
volleyball 2024-2025
volleyball 2024-2025
volleyball 2024-2025
First Tryout Practice: Tuesday, September 3 and Thursday, Sept 5. in the RLPA Gym from 2:45-4:00.
Team Roster will be posted on Friday, Sept 6. No Practice on Wednesday, Sept 4.
Practices: Mondays: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm RLPA Gym
Wednesdays: Study Hall in the Cafeteria 12:37 pm to 1:45; Practice from 1:45- 2:45pm
Games: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Girls Volleyball Team 2022-23
22-23 Girls Volleyball Team holding certificates
Criteria for making playoffs & seeding
Criteria for making playoffs & seeding
Criteria for making playoffs & seeding
1. Team Overall Record
2. Team Highest Total Points Scored
3. Team Lowest Total Points Given Up
4. Play-in Game
TRUSD Volleyball Rules
TRUSD Volleyball Rules
TRUSD Volleyball Rules
The following rules will be used at all TRUSD volleyball games (both boys and girls). Keep this copy and bring it to all volleyball games.
5 -minute warm-ups before the 3-3-2
3 – minutes to hit, each team has 3 minutes of court time on their own for hitting purposes, other team is in the backcourt behind the hitting team passing for those 3 minutes, then they switch positions
2 – minutes to serve
- Only captains can approach and talk to a referee. Coaches must stay at their bench when addressing referees.
- Teams can play with 5 players if they do not have 6 and it will count as a legal game and must be refereed.
- Scoring: Follows junior varsity high school rules. Best 2 out of 3 games. First two (2) games rally scoring to 25 no cap and a team must win by two points - third game rally scoring to 15 with no cap and a team must win by two points.
- Home team decides on side for first game. Teams switch sides for second game. 1st game visitors call flip of coin to decide serve only. The home team calls flip of coin for side or serve for the 3rd game.
- Serving – The serve is good and the ball is in play if the ball hits the net and goes over when served.
- Net height 7’4” for boys and 7’2” for girls.
- 2 time-outs per game – 1 minute each.
- If a coach calls a time out with none left, 1 point is awarded to the opposing team.
- NO glitter or body paint allowed.
- Jewelry must be removed before warm-ups. If jewelry is not removed the violating team will lose a time out for removal of jewelry. When all time-outs are used a 1-point loss for jewelry will be assessed to the violating team.
- No tying knots in shirt fronts. Only Velcro type tie devices on sleeves of uniforms may be used. No ribbons, string, etc. will be allowed.
- Numbers on the front or backs of uniforms are mandatory.
- Substitution rule: 18 subs per game is allowed. A person may re-enter the game in their original position only. You may (if you choose to) sub 18 players into one position.
- No metal clips in hair.
- 1 re-toss per service rotation – (when server tosses ball and lets hit the ground instead of serving)
- No heckling or trash talking at any time. Individual(s) will be removed immediately from the TRUSD event.
- Libero - They can enter the game for anyone in the back row. Must have one play(serve) between going out for one player and entering for another player. The original player the Libero entered for must go back into their position when re-entering the game. Does not count in the 18 substitution rule.
- Libero Serving – The libero may serve – reminder they must serve in the same position in the rotation. They do not have to leave the floor and wait one service rotation if they are the next server.
- Kicking – Kicking of the volleyball is allowed